//代码清单1 protected Digester createStartDigester(){ long t1=System.currentTimeMillis(); // Initialize the digester Digester digester = new Digester(); digester.setValidating(false); digester.setRulesValidation(true); HashMap<Class<?>, List<String>> fakeAttributes = new HashMap<Class<?>, List<String>>(); ArrayList<String> attrs = new ArrayList<String>(); attrs.add("className"); fakeAttributes.put(Object.class, attrs); digester.setFakeAttributes(fakeAttributes); digester.setClassLoader(StandardServer.class.getClassLoader()); // Configure the actions we will be using digester.addObjectCreate("Server", "org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer", "className"); digester.addSetProperties("Server"); digester.addSetNext("Server", "setServer", "org.apache.catalina.Server"); digester.addObjectCreate("Server/GlobalNamingResources", "org.apache.catalina.deploy.NamingResources"); digester.addSetProperties("Server/GlobalNamingResources"); digester.addSetNext("Server/GlobalNamingResources", "setGlobalNamingResources", "org.apache.catalina.deploy.NamingResources"); digester.addObjectCreate("Server/Listener", null, // MUST be specified in the element "className"); digester.addSetProperties("Server/Listener"); digester.addSetNext("Server/Listener", "addLifecycleListener", "org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener"); digester.addObjectCreate("Server/Service", "org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService", "className"); digester.addSetProperties("Server/Service"); digester.addSetNext("Server/Service", "addService", "org.apache.catalina.Service"); digester.addObjectCreate("Server/Service/Listener", null, // MUST be specified in the element "className"); digester.addSetProperties("Server/Service/Listener"); digester.addSetNext("Server/Service/Listener", "addLifecycleListener", "org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener"); //Executor digester.addObjectCreate("Server/Service/Executor", "org.apache.catalina.core.StandardThreadExecutor", "className"); digester.addSetProperties("Server/Service/Executor"); digester.addSetNext("Server/Service/Executor", "addExecutor", "org.apache.catalina.Executor"); digester.addRule("Server/Service/Connector", new ConnectorCreateRule()); digester.addRule("Server/Service/Connector", new SetAllPropertiesRule(new String[]{"executor"})); digester.addSetNext("Server/Service/Connector", "addConnector", "org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector"); digester.addObjectCreate("Server/Service/Connector/Listener", null, // MUST be specified in the element "className"); digester.addSetProperties("Server/Service/Connector/Listener"); digester.addSetNext("Server/Service/Connector/Listener", "addLifecycleListener", "org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener"); // Add RuleSets for nested elements digester.addRuleSet(new NamingRuleSet("Server/GlobalNamingResources/")); digester.addRuleSet(new EngineRuleSet("Server/Service/")); digester.addRuleSet(new HostRuleSet("Server/Service/Engine/")); digester.addRuleSet(new ContextRuleSet("Server/Service/Engine/Host/")); digester.addRuleSet(ClusterRuleSetFactory.getClusterRuleSet("Server/Service/Engine/Host/Cluster/")); digester.addRuleSet(new NamingRuleSet("Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context/")); // When the 'engine' is found, set the parentClassLoader. digester.addRule("Server/Service/Engine", new SetParentClassLoaderRule(parentClassLoader)); digester.addRuleSet(ClusterRuleSetFactory.getClusterRuleSet("Server/Service/Engine/Cluster/")); long t2=System.currentTimeMillis(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Digester for server.xml created " + ( t2-t1 )); return (digester); }
publicvoidadd(String pattern, Rule rule){ // to help users who accidently add '/' to the end of their patterns int patternLength = pattern.length(); if (patternLength>1 && pattern.endsWith("/")) { pattern = pattern.substring(0, patternLength-1); } List<Rule> list = cache.get(pattern); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<Rule>(); cache.put(pattern, list); } list.add(rule); rules.add(rule); if (this.digester != null) { rule.setDigester(this.digester); } if (this.namespaceURI != null) { rule.setNamespaceURI(this.namespaceURI); } }
@Override publicvoidstartElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes list) throws SAXException { boolean debug = log.isDebugEnabled(); if (saxLog.isDebugEnabled()) { saxLog.debug("startElement(" + namespaceURI + "," + localName + "," + qName + ")"); } // Parse system properties list = updateAttributes(list); // Save the body text accumulated for our surrounding element bodyTexts.push(bodyText); if (debug) { log.debug(" Pushing body text '" + bodyText.toString() + "'"); } bodyText = new StringBuilder(); // the actual element name is either in localName or qName, depending // on whether the parser is namespace aware String name = localName; if ((name == null) || (name.length() < 1)) { name = qName; } // Compute the current matching rule StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(match); if (match.length() > 0) { sb.append('/'); } sb.append(name); match = sb.toString(); if (debug) { log.debug(" New match='" + match + "'"); } // Fire "begin" events for all relevant rules List<Rule> rules = getRules().match(namespaceURI, match); matches.push(rules); if ((rules != null) && (rules.size() > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { try { Rule rule = rules.get(i); if (debug) { log.debug(" Fire begin() for " + rule); } rule.begin(namespaceURI, name, list); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Begin event threw exception", e); throw createSAXException(e); } catch (Error e) { log.error("Begin event threw error", e); throw e; } } } else { if (debug) { log.debug(" No rules found matching '" + match + "'."); } } }
@Override publicvoidbegin(String namespace, String name, Attributes attributes) throws Exception { // Identify the name of the class to instantiate String realClassName = className; if (attributeName != null) { String value = attributes.getValue(attributeName); if (value != null) { realClassName = value; } } if (digester.log.isDebugEnabled()) { digester.log.debug("[ObjectCreateRule]{" + digester.match + "}New " + realClassName); } // Instantiate the new object and push it on the context stack Class<?> clazz = digester.getClassLoader().loadClass(realClassName); Object instance = clazz.newInstance(); digester.push(instance); }
@Override publicvoidbegin(String namespace, String theName, Attributes attributes) throws Exception { // Populate the corresponding properties of the top object Object top = digester.peek(); if (digester.log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (top != null) { digester.log.debug("[SetPropertiesRule]{" + digester.match + "} Set " + top.getClass().getName() + " properties"); } else { digester.log.debug("[SetPropertiesRule]{" + digester.match + "} Set NULL properties"); } } // set up variables for custom names mappings int attNamesLength = 0; if (attributeNames != null) { attNamesLength = attributeNames.length; } int propNamesLength = 0; if (propertyNames != null) { propNamesLength = propertyNames.length; } for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String name = attributes.getLocalName(i); if ("".equals(name)) { name = attributes.getQName(i); } String value = attributes.getValue(i); // we'll now check for custom mappings for (int n = 0; n<attNamesLength; n++) { if (name.equals(attributeNames[n])) { if (n < propNamesLength) { // set this to value from list name = propertyNames[n]; } else { // set name to null // we'll check for this later name = null; } break; } } if (digester.log.isDebugEnabled()) { digester.log.debug("[SetPropertiesRule]{" + digester.match + "} Setting property '" + name + "' to '" + value + "'"); } if (!digester.isFakeAttribute(top, name) && !IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(top, name, value) && digester.getRulesValidation()) { digester.log.warn("[SetPropertiesRule]{" + digester.match + "} Setting property '" + name + "' to '" + value + "' did not find a matching property."); } } }